Meet the Director
Amy Washington's Story... All about her life & family!
At a very early age Amy accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of her life, but
she could not have fathomed the path that God would lead her on after that.
She was raised in a Christian home as the eldest of five children where she was home-schooled and brought up working on the family farm.
She graduated from high school under her parents’ dedicated teaching, and continued her education at the University of Georgia where she earned a business marketing degree in May 2009.
Amy has always adored children, and dreamed of one day becoming a mother, but little did she know how the Lord would orchestrate her life. Throughout her childhood and college years, she served the Lord in many different areas through church, ministries, and mission trips.
“I had been many different places and worked with many different people, but I never experienced such a deep love for a place and people before. Never had I so strongly felt God’s peace and call to leave my home and make a lifetime commitment somewhere.”
– Amy Washington
In the summer of 2009, Amy travelled to Jinja, Uganda and worked with malnourished & orphaned babies that would touch her heart and change her life forever. After her return, God began speaking to Amy’s heart and calling her to full time ministry in Uganda. Amy went back to Uganda again in January 2010, and then in July 2010, Amy moved to Uganda to continue working with malnourished and dying babies.

“A life not lived for others is not a life.” – Mother Teresa
One of Amy’s dream in life has always been to be a wife and mother. She grew up playing dress-up, house, and dolls. Amy always wanted to home school her children, as her mother had done with her, but never dreamed of homeschooling her foster and adopted children in Africa as a single mother. Nothing makes her happier than living the life that God has given to her now – HIS plan for her life! It may not be what Amy had thought, or look the way she thought it would look, and she is so thankful!
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55: 8-9
Amy continues to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness as a mother to her children and Executive Director of Kupendwa Ministries. She continues to live with her family in the Jinja area and work with Kupendwa Ministries as the Lord faithfully guides each and every step that she takes. She continues to live out the call to be crucified with Christ, to die daily to yourself, and to live for the glory of God alone.