What We Do

Kupendwa Ministries is
and saving
the lives of women in Uganda.
For many women in Uganda, childbirth often means death – death for the mother, child, or both. Many times, childbirth is not an exciting event or a time to look forward to – it is a time to fear and dread.
We know that the only source of true peace, comfort, hope, and reassurance is in Jesus Christ.
We desire to share this Good News with each and every mother & child that God brings into our program as we reach out to meet immediate physical needs.
Kupendwa is using physical needs to bring the gospel to countless women, meeting those physical needs, and then showing these precious mothers their spiritual & eternal needs.
Kupendwa provides these Maternal, Infant & Child Health services extensively in rural villages & slum areas where the maternal & infant mortality rates are extremely high.
By providing numerous health services, prenatal and antenatal care & supplies, in addition to life-saving education for women & teenage girls, Kupendwa is saving lives.
Kupendwa also provides birthing kits, prenatal & antenatal check-ups, prenatal vitamins, as well as gifts of basic needs like soap, rice, and flour to hundreds of these women.

Kupendwa's Maternity Homes for teenage mothers in crisis pregnancy situations are such a huge part of what Kupendwa is all about.
This video below gives you a small picture of how these young girl's lives are being changed through everything that they learn in our maternity homes, especially what they learn about our Lord Jesus Christ! These are the true testimonies of teenage mothers in Kupendwa's Maternity Homes.

Maternity Homes
Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest killers of adolescent girls worldwide. These deaths occur due to pregnancy & childbirth complications, as well as unsafe abortions.
In addition to widespread community Maternal, Infant & Child Health services, Kupendwa also meets the desperate needs of teenage girls in crisis pregnancy situations who have been prostitutes, rape victims, abandoned, outcast, abused, homeless, or unwanted.
Our Maternity Homes are residential homes that provide a loving family environment for these young teenage mothers who are typically between the ages of 12 to 18.

Life is precious and valued.
We are to offer
hope to the hopeless,
help to helpless,
and life to the lifeless.
We are to do our part that God has called us to do, and leave our lives safely in His hands.