Kupendwa works with needy expectant mothers in rural villages, local slums, local hospitals, and the community at large.
Survive to Thrive Program
We currently have over 100 pregnant mothers in our Survive to Thrive
program within these communities. Whether they are first time moms,
mothers of eight children, or a teenager two months pregnant, all of these women are at risk.
Through our Survive to Thrive Program, we are reducing maternal & infant mortality and promoting positive maternal & infant health for these
expectant mothers and their babies.

Counseling & Mentoring
Spiritual Guidance & Discipleship
Education and Empowerment programs through our Village Maternity Clinics & Workshops.
Click here to read more about our Village Maternity Clinics & Workshops and all that is provided through them to our Survive to Thrive mothers. -
HIV/AIDS Education, Advising, and Support
For pregnant mothers, education, advice and counseling is given focusing specifically on the PMTCT steps and promotion and encouragement of anti-retroviral drugs (ARV’s) during and after pregnancy. -
Home Visits
Follow up visits in the homes of our mothers, medical checkups and follow up, take basic supplies including soap, sugar, oil, salt, sheets, clothes, etc for the mother and family; hold Bible devotions with the mothers and their children; counsel, encourage and pray with the mothers and their families.
Birthing Kits & Supplies (which include but are not limited to): plastic birthing sheet, gloves, umbilical cord ties, disposable razors, suture materials, medicine, syringes, cotton, menstrual pads, baby clothes, baby blanket, sheets, wash basin, soap, food, juice, water, and other necessary supplies for birth.
Lab Tests and Ultrasounds
Pre and Postnatal education, nutrition, & vitamins
Labor & Delivery Assistance
Assistance with transportation to a safe medical facility; 24/7 midwife and nurse care pre, during and post labor; provision for Cesarean section (if necessary); nutrition pre, during and post childbirth; care and support from Kupendwa staff members; and any other necessary care for mother and baby throughout pre, during, or post labor and delivery.
Our Survive to Thrive Program provides these
needy expectant mothers with:

“It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”
-Mother Teresa