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Community DevelopmentMinistries

- David Livingstone

Hospital Ministry

 Kupendwa works closely with local government hospitals and clinics, particularly with Maternity, Labor & Delivery, and NICU wards, in offering encouragement & support, care, food, and needed medical supplies after birth to severely needy mothers and infants. We also assist the mothers who have undergone cesarean operations and now have severely infected wounds due to poorly preformed surgeries. These women are often starving and unable to produce breast milk, so we help supply medical supplies & nutritious foods necessary for recovery & healing. 

Kids Club

  Kupendwa’s Kid’s Club program is an outreach ministry to the children of mothers within our Village Clinics program.

This program began as a specific way to help support and minister to the children and families of our mothers, and let our mothers know that we support them during their pregnancy, delivery, and even after.

What matters to the hearts of our mothers matters to us. Through Bible stories & devotions, singing praise & worship, playing games, food & snacks, we have found our Kid’s Club program to be very effective in reaching out to these children with the gospel, sharing with them the love of Christ, and supporting and encouraging our mothers. 

OutpatientMalnutrition        Rehabilitation


  ​ Kupendwa’s Outpatient Malnutrition Rehabilitation Program began due to the need of mothers for support, education and help with their malnourished babies and children. While working in the villages and communities, Kupendwa noticed mothers struggling to save and help their malnourished babies, but lacking education, support, medical care and proper feeding to get the babies out of the malnutrition cycle.

    Kupendwa strongly believes in the God-designed bond between mother and child. Therefore, our desire is to support mothers in their role as mother of their child and in turn help them be able to help their own children. We support the malnourished children and babies from their homes by offering nutritious feeding, drinks, medical care, any necessary medications, support, and more.

   By allowing the mother or caretaker to directly give the life-saving medicines, vitamins, food, drinks, etc, we are encouraging this mother/child bond to strengthen, not weaken because of malnutrition and poverty. In addition to supporting the mother and malnourished child, we also work hand-in-hand with the entire family to formulate a plan for future support, income, education, self-sustainability, and self-sufficiency. We help to educate and empower the mothers about the signs and steps of prevention for malnutrition, as well as educate the entire family about nutrition, health, sanitation, and hygiene.

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